
A - Skill can only be used underwater

N - Cannot be used by "normal" PC's

NC - Skill available only in campaigns lacking thieves (eg. nonhuman campaigns)

CM - Skill can be used only by character with an Skilled or higher mastery in the Cimerron six-shooter

S - Strength

I - Intelligence

W - Wisdom

D - Dexterity

C - Constitution

Ch - Charisma


Allure (Ch) - A character with this skill appears to be exceptionally beautiful or handsome and desirable to a member of the opposite sex. On a successful check, a NPC will be favorably disposed toward the character, willing to offer help and advice, but not to endanger his people or himself in any major way. The allurement lasts as long as the character does not attack or harm the admirer in any way.

Ancient History (I) - Detailed knowledge of local (or racial) history. General knowledge of surrounding areas. Vague knowledge of global history.

Cooking (W) - The character can prepare high quality meals, useful for impressing NPCs.

Cooking, Military (W) - the character can prepare food for a large number of soldiers). It also allows him to make relatively palatable food from unappetizing materials scrounged up by the cook.

Cool (Ch/CM) - This allows the user to stare down an opponent in a duel and gain a psychological advantage. On a successful skill check, the opponent suffers a -2 penalty to his next to-hit roll (and to his next Dexterity check if using the Fast Draw skill). This skill requires two rounds of concentration to take effect. Cool can also be used to negate someone else's attempt to use cool or to spin one or two six-shooters on one's fingers without dropping them.

Curse Lore (I) - Characters with this skill have a fairly precise knowledge of the Red Curse, its effects, and its manifestations. They know all the legends of the Red Curse's origins and probably have a favorite. More useful is the fact that they know the true properties of the land's magical materials, are familiar with how magic interacts with the Red Curse, and are able to understand divinations more clearly. With a successful skill check, such a character can recognize the stages of the Red Curse's manifestation and determine how far into the process someone is. The character can also determine the accuracy of a newly acquired piece of knowledge about the Red Curse, assuming he makes a successful skill check.

Dancing (D) - This skill confers the ability to move rhythmically and gracefully to accompanying music.

Dart (D/A) - Using this skill means the character can move at twice normal speed for one round. A check is required every round. After 10 rounds of darting, or attempting to dart, an Endurance check must be made each round or the character can no longer dart. Otherwise, the character must rest a full turn to dart again.

Dismount Rider (D) - On a successful check the character may attempt to dismount an enemy. The character inflicts normal damage and the target must make a Riding check to avoid being dismounted. The difference between levels or HD is used as a modifier.

Dodge (D/A) - This skill can be used only by unencumbered and unarmored characters. It allows the character to dodge an attack, effectively increasing AC by -2 on a successful check. A roll of 20 means the character dodged the wrong way and takes double damage from the attack.

Drinking (C) - A talent for absorbing alcoholic beverages without being affected. The character must make a skill check for every drink past the first each hour (the first drink in an hour does not require a check). The first failed roll means the character is drunk (-2 to-hit, -3 to all Dexterity checks and skills). The second failed check means the character collapses into a drunken stupor.

Dueling (I) - The dueling skill provides its possessor with knowledge of all the rules of dueling for the different nations and states of a region (Alphatia, Savage Coast, etc). This applies to duels with swords, other weapons, and even martial arts. The character can mediate duels and never makes a rules misstep when participating in one.

Fan Shooting (D/CM) - The user attempts to shoot as many darts as possible within one round. The margin of success indicates the number of darts that can be fired in the current round. A successful check allows two darts in a round; a margin of 3-5 allows three shots, 6-8 four shots, 9-11 five shots, 12+ all six shots. Each shot beyond the first suffers a cumulative -1 to-hit. The first shot occurs when the user should fire a missile weapon. Each successive shot alternates with other missile users in the user's group. Fast Draw and Fan Shooting can be used simultaneously.

Fast Draw (D/CM) - Upon making a successful skill check, the user can shoot before anyone else during a combat round, regardless of initiative. If two opponents use Fast Draw, the one with the higher margin of success shoots first.

Fast-Talking (Ch) - Fast-talking is the art of distraction and conning. If the fast talker makes a successful skill check, he perpetrates the attempted scam with no trouble. If the skill is used against a player character and the check is successful, whatever the fast-talker says sounds reasonable to the PC. Modifiers to the roll for the skill check are based on the target's Wisdom and Intelligence, as shown below. The DM can also introduce modifiers according to the difficulty or plausibility of what the fast-talker is attempting to achieve. All modifiers are cumulative.

Target's Intelligence

Target's Wisdom


3 or less




3 or less



























Targets with Intelligence of 3 or less are so dim that attempts to fast-talk them fail automatically because they cannot follow what is being said. (Still, creatures that stupid are easy to fool in other ways.) Targets with an Intelligence of 20, or more or a Wisdom of 19 or more, are impervious to fast-talking.

Fighting Instinct (D) - The reaction of compulsively attacking first. This gives a +2 to individual initiative in melee combat.

Find Traps (D/NC) - The ability to detect traps after observing a corridor or a room, as a thief of the character's level.

Fortunetelling (Ch) - This skill includes knowledge of a variety of methods of divination, mostly fake. The character with fortunetelling is usually familiar with numerous devices and methods, such as cards, palm reading, interpreting bird flight, and so forth. At the very least, the character is familiar enough with these practices to appear to be an authentic soothsayer. Some predictions by such characters are accurate, though the skill confers no magical powers. If the skill check is a 1 or 2, the character using the skill has a flash of insight and is able to make an accurate prediction based on the method used. If the check succeeds with any other number, the character simply invents a prediction that the client believes. If the check fails, any prediction made is not believed by the client. Note that fast-talking modifiers can be applied with the fortunetelling skill if the DM allows it.

Gain Trust (Ch) - With this skill a character can gain the trust of an NPC through a combination of courtesy, respect for tradition, and honorable behavior. In routine situations, a normal check is sufficient. When the NPC has reason to distrust the character, the DM should assign a penalty.

Glassblowing (I) - This skill indicates that the character is trained in the craft of glass-blowing and can make a comfortable living at it, given the proper materials. The skill allows the user to make unique, hand-crafted items, as well as more traditional bottles or windows. The character also knows the basics of cutting and etching glass, performing these tasks with a +4 penalty to the skill check.

Hear Noise (D/NC) - The ability to hear faint noises, as a thief of the character's level.

Hiding (I) - The character is an expert in concealing himself or other objects in a particular terrain. The character must make a skill roll with the following modifiers (modifiers are cumulative):

Lots of local cover (trees, etc.) +1

Little cover (low bushes, etc.) -1

Very little cover (of grass, etc.) -3

No cover (grassless plain, etc.) -5

Character raised in area +1

Hiding a character 0

Hiding a large object +1

Hiding a small object +3

Moving while hiding -2

Elf (in forest) level 1-3 -1

Elf (in forest) level 7-10 +1

Elf (in forest) 800,000+ XP +2

 If the observer makes a Intelligence check at -4 minus the Hiding character's margin of success, the hiding character is detected.

Hip Shooting (D/CM) - The user has the ability to shoot from the hip. This skill allows the user to shoot faster, gaining a +2 bonus to Fast Draw or Fan shooting skill checks. Unfortunately, it is less accurate and causes a -2 penalty to-hit in both cases.

Information Gathering (I) - This skill allows a character to gather information, usually from the underworld and commonly in regard to roguish jobs and characters. A character with this skill, in appropriate circumstances, will be aware of any major rumors circulating around the area; this character can gather twice as many rumors as other characters in the same situation. With a successful skill check, specific information about a person or place can be gathered. The DM can modify the skill check according to the specificity of information desired. Reaction adjustments based on Charisma can also affect the check, provided the situation requires the character to talk with people during the search. Membership in a guild or other organization gives the skill user a +2 bonus to the skill check, because the character can gain information from connections in his organization. Since this skill depends on a network of informants and contacts, characters using it are at a disadvantage when trying to gather information outside their regular base of operations (a neighborhood of a city, a town, or a whole province in some cases). Outside this territory, a skill check is required for such a character to hear rumors, and gathering information incurs a penalty of –3 to the skill checks. The DM can increase the penalty for truly foreign areas. Whenever a skill check is required for information gathering, the gatherer must make a small investment for drinks, bribes, or other incentives. This money is spent whether or not the skill check is successful. A total of 1d10 gp is typical; if this amount is not spent, an additional –3 penalty is applied. Characters can continue searching for rumors if they fail at first, making a new skill check each day. The DM may choose to modify the character's chances of success as a result.

Juggling (D) - A character with this skill can juggle three objects of similar shape and size. A skill check is required for more objects, with a -1 penalty for each object over 4, or objects of varying weight.

Jump (D) - The use of this skill allows the character to leap over obstacles or distances of 10 feet, increased by 10 with a running start.

Know Terrain (I) - The knowledge of the land, water, and environment conditions of a region. This includes knowing the safest or quickest routes, pathfinding, and local environmental dangers. Use of this skill in the character's home dominion receives a +2 bonus; unfamiliar but similar terrain gets a -2 to -4 penalty.

Ledge Hopping (D) - This skill allows a character to safely hop from one ledge to another within six feet, with reasonable encumbrance. This skill also allows a character to evaluate the safety of a ledge.

Looting (D) - This skill represents a knack for grabbing the best loot in the shortest time. For instance, if a character had only about two minutes to ransack a room before guards arrive, a successful skill check would allow the character to recognize and take the most valuable combination of items available, given space and time limitations.

Monster (or Animal) Empathy (W) - This allows the character to sense and communicate basic feelings with a specific type of nonintelligent monster or animal within 100 feet. A check is needed for each attempt, and penalized for the difference between the character's level and the target's HD (if the monster has more HD than the character has levels). This will not affect the animal as a charm, but use of this skill may allow the character to befriend the creature.

Natural Healing (W) - A character with this skill is knowledgeable in the use of various herbal treatments. On a successful skill check, a poisoned (but still living) character may save again at -2. It also allows a character to heal 2 points per day of rest with a skill check.

Observation (I) - This skill gives a character exceptional observational powers. If something is askew, the DM should secretly make an observation skill check for the character. A successful check means that the character notices something out of place. This skill can also be used to increase a character's chance of finding secret or concealed doors by 1 in 6.

Poetry (I) - Skill in poetry includes the skills of reciting poetry and judging its quality. It also indicates that the character has a repertoire of poems memorized for recital at any time. Normal recitals require no skill checks. For composition of original poems, a successful skill check indicates above average quality.

Rapid Fire (D) - A successful check allows the character to fire a bow (not a crossbow) twice. Each shot is made at -3 to hit. The first arrow is fired normally according to initiative, the second at the end of the round.

Redsmithing (I) - Characters with this skill are able to shape red steel into useful shapes. This ability is necessary in the production of weapons and other items of red steel (and in minting coins containing cinnabryl), so such a character is often in high demand, usually finding it easy to make a living as a redsmith. This skill includes thorough knowledge of cinnabryl and red steel, including as how these substances are affected by heat and pressure. The character is familiar with cinnabryl talismans and amulets and is often necessary (at least as an adviser) in their production.

Silent Glide(D/A) - The ability to move silently as a thief of equal level. Characters using this skill may move at up to half normal speed.

Sharpshooting (D/CM) - On any to-hit roll of 20 or better, the user may make a skill check. If successful, The user can hit a designated spot on the target. This can be used to disarm an opponent, stun an opponent, or inflict maximum damage. Sharpshooting cannot be used with the Hip Shooting or Fan Shooting Skills.

Sleeping (C) - The habit of being able to sleep through anything. A successful check allows the character to sleep through a fight or other noisy event. This is a useful skill for spellcasters needing rest.

Slow Respiration (C) - A successful check allows the character to survive in a reduced space with limited air (such as after a cave-in). A check is needed each day, with a cumulative penalty of -1 per day. This ability also functions in water, at -1 per minute. A failed roll means the character suffocates and dies.

Teaching (W) - The ability to teach a skill most efficiently. A successful check means the apprentice learns the skill with a permanent +1 bonus, as long as his final score does not exceed the teacher's.

Toadying (Ch) - This skill is useful for sucking up to more powerful NPCs. It allows a character to ingratiate himself by agreeing with an NPC and by generally polishing an NPC's ego. Failure at this skill can have interesting consequences, as it makes the character sound insincere and sarcastic. This skill also lets a character plead for his life, or to avoid some other punishment.

Tracking (I) - This skill allows a character to track a character, monster, etc. (or hide his own tracks). Modifiers are:

Recent track (within an hour) +1

Old track (over 6 hours) -1

Very old track (24 hours) -3

Elf level 1-3 -1

Elf level 7-10 +1

Elf 800,000+ XP +2

Elf raised in elven forest nation +1

 Trailing (D) - Trailing is similar to tracking, but it is used in urban centers, rather than in the wilderness. This includes the talent of tailing someone who may be attempting to blend into a crowd, duck around corners, or get lost in the confusion of a busy street. A skill check is first made to see if the trailing character is able to without being noticed. The person trailing suffers a –5 penalty to the skill check if the person being followed has the alertness skill. If the trailing character is noticed, the person being followed might try to evade. To keep from losing the trail, the trailing character must make another skill check. The DM can apply a modifier between +3 and –3, depending on the two characters' relative familiarity with the area. Other modifiers based on the situation can also be applied, such as a penalty for avoiding notice if the street is relatively clear or a bonus if in a crowd. The check for following the target can be penalized for a crowd setting or given a bonus for a clear area. For any trailing skill check, a –3 penalty to the roll applies if the person being followed also has the trailing skill (presumably knowing a few tricks for evading pursuit).

 Treewalking (D) - This is the ability of staying aloft in trees, moving from one closely-set tree to another, and working and fighting from a tree branch. The skill roll is necessary only if the tree is storm tossed, or the character is fighting, or performing some other complex task while balancing. Modifiers to the check are:

 Home or Sentinel Oak (Alfheim) +1

Unfamiliar species of tree -1

Dead tree (brittle branches) -3

Elf level 1-3 -1

Elf Level 7-10 +1

Elf 800,000+ XP +2

Elf raised in elven forest nation +1

Expansion of the Military Tactics skill: - The character's margin of success or failure, x10, is added as a bonus or penalty to the combat roll in a War Machine.

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